How Does A BMS System Work?
Growing operating costs and energy usage contributed to a growing need for sustainable buildings. Building Management Systems can reduce energy and operating costs by up to 30 percent, making life easier…
Lighting – A BMS can automate lights to use intelligent sensors that measure sunlight in space and adjust the light accordingly to always give the user a comfortable level of light during the day, and at night the same sensor can detect motion if no one works late or if there’s no one in the area, it will automatically switch off.
HVAC (Heating Ventilation & Cooling) – A BMS will attach to an individual room AC Unit (In an office) and run automatic schedules, such as during the day when the occupancy is big, and at night when the occupancy is small, turn off the unit for energy conservation.
A Hotel Room can be linked to the Reservation software, to prepare a room for an upcoming guest, or switch off the room AC once he checks out,
A basement can have smart sensors that detect air quality and only run supply & extract fans only when occupancy is high, saving costs and equipment running unnecessarily.
Energy Monitoring – Through smart meters, you can track circuits in your building cost-effectively to send you either equipment, floor or room energy use, and allow you to determine which areas could be energy waste, Tenant Billing-If you want to charge properly on utilities (Water, Electricity, e.t.c, a BMS will produce daily, weekly, or annual use and the corresponding tenant invoice.
Pumps and Water Tanks – connect and control pumps, and display and store water levels, so you can analyze water usage too,
Centralized Management of Buildings – Management companies can now control many buildings from a central location, raising the operating costs for building owners and tenants by decreasing service charges.
…and the Future of BMS Technology is Building Analytics,