Micke Grove Zoo

11793 Micke Grove Rd, Lodi, CA 95240, United States


The Micke Grove Park and Zoo is a donation from local philanthropists William and Julia Harrison Micke to the people of San Joaquin County. Their legacy lives on in the beautiful wooded park of oak which opened in 1938 as well as its many developments which continue to grow. The Micke’s wonderful gift has welcomed many millions of visitors. Micke Grove Park also features a Japanese Garden, Historical Museum of San Joaquin County, Pleasant Town at Micke Grove Amusement Park, and beautiful setting for picnics.


Micke Grove Zoo is a five-acre zoo with amphibians, mammals , birds, reptiles and invertebrates. Today’s zoo is very different from the zoo which opened its gates in 1957 for the first time. Today the Micke Grove Zoo collection celebrates individuality and consistency over size and quantity with an emphasis on the welfare of the animal ambassadors who live here.


A number of non-releasable raptors, tortoises, and a number of lemurs are included in the current collection. Several endangered primates and birds can also be found in the zoo, including Madagascar’s parrots and tortoises. A snow leopard has been introduced since 2014. Originally planned for expansion in 2010 was to include Oriental small-clawed otters and an expanded snow leopard habitat, but construction was halted midway, and postponed until additional funding could be found.


Micke Grove Zoo participates in an International Species Survival Plan (SSP) to help ensure the protection of threatened or critically endangered animals in the wilderness. Micke Grove Zoo’s captive breeding of Golden Lion Tamarin, Chilean Pudu and Waldrapp Ibis has made important contributions to the SSP programme.


The SSPs Zoos and Aquariums Association promotes the conservation of threatened and endangered species which is on the verge of extinction in the wild. Micke Grove Zoo is one of the zoos that has the ability to participate in such programs.

Micke Grove Zoo is interested in many endangered species, including bred golden-lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia), Chilean pudu (Pudu puda), and waldrapp ibis (Geronticus eremita), marbled teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris), and western pond tortoise (Actinemys marmorata), and has successfully reproduced them. Other species such as the squirrel of the Prevost (Callosciurus prevostii) and the thick-knee cape (Burhinus capensis) were also successfully bred at the facility.


The Micke Grove Zoo is enthusiastic about its commitment to wildlife conservation and uses every opportunity to educate students and visitors to the zoo on wildlife issues.


Micke Grove Zoo Volunteering is a perfect way to start a career working with or caring for animals, in education or in community and media relations. Committed volunteers prove to be committed employees who gain the skills necessary to excel in their future roles.


Micke Grove Zoo offers a variety of volunteer experiences that will encourage you to begin experimenting with responsibilities in your chosen field before making the long-term decision to become an employee.

This amazing attraction is located in Stockton, California and is only one of many reasons to visit this amazing city! Here’s a list of nine others that are worth a visit:


  • Cathedral of the Annunciation
  • Michael David Winery
  • Haggin Museum
  • Stockton Arena
  • Children’s Museum of Stockton
  • Oak Grove Regional Park
  • Pixie Woods
  • Stockton Field Aviation Museum


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